Sunday, 10 July 2016

Imaginary Friend - Short Film

Here is the finished short film that was made over the past week. I enjoyed creating this video as it gave me more experience using the equipment and experimenting filming different shots. In the film I have demonstrated different shots, angles and movements which I can now use to help plan the storyboard and my ideas for my trailer. This way I can try to include a variety of the shots used into my trailer.    

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Diary Entry #2


Today I have finished editing the short film which was made to practice using the camera and tripod together. This then creates shots that aren't shaky, whereas using a hand held camera might produce shots that move too much when they're meant to be still.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Diary Entry #1

Image result for cheam high school

I've decided to produce a short film clip made up of different shots using a tripod. So today me and a few friends went out and shot some footage around our school practicing using the tripod so that when it comes to making my trailer the shots aren't shaky and are focused. Tomorrow I am going to go and edit them together.