Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Diary Entry #6 - Music Planning

Today I went back to garage band to play around with the sounds, I put together a small piece of music that I think resembles my genre and could possibly be used in my trailer. I will focus more on the soundtrack later on in the process of producing my trailer so that I can get timings right and use sounds that relate to the mood at certain times.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Missing Poster For Trailer

In my trailer the main character 'Isabelle' goes missing, one of the shots is going to be an over the shoulder shot of Theo looking at a missing poster he will have made. This is the missing poster created for that shot:

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Diary Entry #5

After beginning to plan my trailer and have drawn out the start of my storyboard, I decided to go out and try to film a few shots for my trailer. This helped me to think about certain aspects of the filming process that I hadn't thought about e.g. the sun goes down about 4:30 PM. This did stop me from continuing to film as I needed the daylight to film some of the shots as they were dark and unclear.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Audience Feedback Of Magazine Designs

I posted my design for my magazine onto Instagram so that I could receive some feedback for my ideas. These comments will help when producing my magazine as I am going to be able to change aspects to create a professional looking magazine. 

From the comments I have been thinking about changing my magazine from Empire to Sight & Sound magazine to make it more realistic as my film is more likely to be featured in this magazine. After the first draft I will ask for more feedback and see whether changing the magazine would be the best idea. I am going to change the picture based on the comments so it's more of a close up/mid shot rather than having a full body picture.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Magazine Layout

I have now made a digital version of my design so that I know where each aspect of the magazine cover is going to be. This gives me a better idea of the layout when it comes to making the final magazine cover and I can follow this design. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Magazine Design

Here is my poster design, I have chosen to use Empire magazine to feature my film because they have a large following which would attract a larger audience for my film. I decided to have the main female character on the front dressed similar to as she appears in the trailer, this will then allow the audience to link both the trailer and magazine together creating recognition for the campaign. There will be smaller stories about similar films to the left and right of the actor overlaying the picture. I will use a dark colour scheme that matches both my trailer and poster.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Magazine Inspiration

From looking at magazine covers from my research these are two that have inspired me when beginning to plan my own:

These two magazine covers are from Empire magazine and Total Film magazine. The main image in both magazines is a mid-shot of the character looking at the camera, my magazine will feature the character positioned the same. There's two colours used for the titles in both magazines, this distinguishes the different stories and also stands out over the picture. I will use the same type of format when coming to plan my own cover.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Audience Feedback Of Poster Designs

I posted all three of my poster designs onto Instagram so that I could receive some feedback for my ideas. 

The comments mostly suggested that the first design relates to my film more than the other two and that I should make some slight changes to this design in order for it to be a professional poster. I am going to take this criticism to try and improve the ideas for the poster in the next steps towards the final product.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Poster Designs

This is my first poster design, I am going to have the female character in the foreground looking off towards the side. She is going to be dressed in jeans and a hoodie with her hair pulled forwards. The background is going to be an empty street with bright street lights, this is to try to give the audience the impression of isolation. I will have the title to the left and more poster information in the middle, this will include reviews, release dates etc. 

My next poster design is of the female character looking away from the audience with her face reflecting in the window of the bus. She'll be wearing warm clothing and will be looking lonely and like she's in her own world. The title and smaller details of the film will be towards the left of the picture. 

My final poster design is of both the male and female characters looking at each other from different angles on the page. This design more goes with the name of the film however doesn't show that it's not just a normal romance film and a lot more is going on. I have the title and smaller details right in the middle which means the audience will take more notice and read the poster more carefully. 

Friday, 18 November 2016

Poster Inspirations

From looking at film posters for my research I have had to start planning my poster and here are a few I found that inspired me;

I like this film poster as it features the main character looking off away from the camera, not straight at the audience, this makes the audience feel safe as the character looks nonthreatening and weak. I would like my character to not be directly looking at the camera in the picture for this poster. They've also used a background that doesn't draw too much attention away from the main character but then gives the poster some colour and makes it less boring to look at. This is something I will include in my film poster so that it's not dull and is more interesting for the audience than a plain white background.

Again the character in this poster is looking off to the side which highlights to the audience the characters vulnerability and that she maybe the victim in this film, she isn't threatening and so makes the audience feel sympathetic for her. The title of the film is shown on a different colour than the reviews making your attention focus straight on the name and then the reviews. I also like the font used for the title as it draws attention due to the size difference of each word, it's sharp and cold. I also like that there's reviews on the top of the poster as they make the audience want to watch the film by letting you know what other people thought.

This poster is different to the others as there is two characters on the front instead of one, this would work well with my film as there are two main characters that the trailer focuses on. They're staring at each other which suggests that they are in some kind of relationship and that would also fit my theme. The colours used are mostly dull and faded but with blue being the only bright colour relating to the title. This poster doesn't have an exciting background but fills the space with text instead without leaving lots of blank space. If I were to create a similar poster I would have to think about what information I would put in the space to make sure that there was no blank space. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Institution - Chosen

Having looked into different institutions I have decided that the production company for my film will be Film4. This production company has produced a lot of films similar to mine and a lot of these are British independent film like mine and so that is why I have chosen Film4 to produce my film.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Completed Actor Release Forms

Here are the completed actor release forms for the two main characters and an actor who appears in the trailer.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Call Sheet

Call Sheet # 1 – Date: 2/12/16

Trailer: Connections

Call time: 5PM
Weather: Cold

Production Contacts:
Director: Jess
Camera Operator: Jess
Any other jobs:

Phone numbers:
Email addresses:

Set/Scene/Storyboard frame

#1 Long shot, standing around drinking

Mel’s house

Theo, Alba, Rhianna
#2 Pan shot in the garden between Alba and Theo

Mel’s house

Alba, Theo
#3 Shot of alba looking out of the window


#4 Long shot of alba walking down the road alone

Ruskin Drive

#5 Alba and Theo laughing about

Theo’s house

Theo, Alba

Production Requirements
Who is responsible?
Travel:   Bus
Catering: /

Props:  Drinks
Costumes: Casual
Alba and Theo
Hair & Make-Up: Dark

Preliminary Schedule – Subject to Change
Unit Call and Set up
Film Scene #3
Unit Call and Set up
Film Scene #5
Unit Call and Set up
Film Scene #1
Unit Call and Set up
Film Scene #2
Unit Call and Set up
Film Scene #4

Health and Safety
To keep the people involved in the filming process more safe I am going to have them all carry waterproofs as we are filming late and so it’s cold and could possibly rain. As some of the shots are filmed inside there won’t be many risks to look out for. A possible risk for this filming session could be cars and people on the road. However to reduce this risk we are filming in quiet places where there is less chance of an accident.


Travel Method
Departure time + additional info
Return time + additional info
Jess Baker

Depart: Worcester park 5:00
(film whilst on the way there)
Arrive: Elm Way 5:15
Depart: Elm Way 8:00
Arrive: Churchill Road 8:10
Depart: Churchill Road 11:00
Arrive: Ruskin Drive 11:10

Depart: Ruskin Drive 11:40
Arrive: Worcester Park 12:00

Alba Vellozo
Depart: Worcester park 5:00
(film whilst on the way there)
Arrive: Elm Way 5:15
Depart: Elm Way 8:00
Arrive: Churchill Road 8:10
Depart: Churchill Road 11:00
Arrive: Ruskin Drive 11:10

Depart: Ruskin Drive 11:40
Arrive: Worcester Park 12:00

Theo Davey
Depart: Elm Way 8:00
Arrive: Churchill Road 8:10
Depart: Churchill Road 11:00

Depart: Churchill Road 11:00
Arrive: Worcester Park 11:10

Friday, 11 November 2016

Location Recce

Location to be used:
Date of when location is needed:
Time of when location is needed:
>Theo’s house
>31st December


Do you need permission to record/photograph in this location?
Who will you need to contact?
>No we don’t need permission

Will the levels of noise cause a problem?
If so, how will you overcome this?
>The house is in a quiet area so there will be little to no noise and most filming done in this location will be inside.

Is the level of lighting suitable?
>If something changes and the lighting doesn’t become suitable we can edit the footage later on or use different lights to change the tone of the scene.
If inside, are the Emergency exits clearly visible and available?
Is Emergency equipment provided?
>As we are filming inside a house there is little to no risk and so emergency equipment is unnecessary.
>If we do need to leave the house quickly there is 3 possible doors to leave from.

Is there public transport easily available to you?

>We don’t need public transport.

Location to be used:
Date of when location is needed:
Time of when location is needed:
>Nonsuch Park
>2nd December


Do you need permission to record/photograph in this location?
Who will you need to contact?
>No we do not need permission
>Choose a different park
Will the levels of noise cause a problem?
If so, how will you overcome this?
>No because the park we chosen is usually very quiet with few people around

>There may be noise from the wind but we can either use a microphone or just change the sound later on.
Is the level of lighting suitable?
>Yes because we will be filming at this location during the day and so it should be bright
>Choose another day to film
If inside, are the Emergency exits clearly visible and available?
Is Emergency equipment provided?
We are outside so Emergency exits and equipment is unnecessary.

Is there public transport easily available to you?
>Yes we can easily get a bus or walk to this location

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Filming Schedule

This is my filming schedule that both my main actors have agreed too, I have planned what locations I am going to film at on each day which will then allow me time to make sure that all of my trailer will be filmed and completed.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


My trailer features few props as I will use the characters to explain the storyline and the emotion. However, I will need to have the characters holding some props so that the trailer is realistic, most of the props I will be using are everyday items as my trailer is something the audience can relate to and so the props need to also reflect this.  Some of the props I shall use are; cigarettes, phones, glasses and a lighter.

 Image result for phoneImage result for clipper lighter


My film features teenagers/young adults, I want my film to be realistic so that the audience can relate to the characters and feel like they connect. Because of this I am going to have my characters mostly wear comfortable clothing such as hoodies and jeans for when they're outside which is most of the time to show they don't care what other people think and so don't have to try hard to look good. however for some scenes they will dress slightly differently to fit in with the setting and their surroundings. For example - going to a party so the female will wear a dress. The clothing they wear will be quiet dark as it fits in with the tone I am trying to create.

Image result for hoodiesImage result for jeans for women

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Actor Release Form

Below is an actor release form that the actors who will be featured in the trailer will need to sign to confirm their consent to be shown on screen.


Name of Production……  ……………………………………………………………….

Name of Production Company/Organiser (“the Organiser”)


Description of Involvement ……………………………………………………………………


Date of Filming   ................................................................................................................

Name of Contributor ……………………………………………………………………………

Address of Contributor …………………………………………………………………………


Contact Number of Contributor ………………………………………………………………

In consideration of the Organiser agreeing that I contribute to and/or participate in the MUSIC VIDEO, the nature and the content of which has been fully explained to me, I consent to the filming and recording of my contribution to and/or participation in the Film subject to the terms and conditions specified below.

Signed by Contributor …………………………………………………………………………..


If the Contributor is 18 or under this form must be signed by a Parent or Legal Guardian.

I consent to [name of Contributor] entering into this agreement.

Signed by Parent or Legal Guardian  ...............................................................................

Dated ....................................................................................................................................