Location to be used:
Date of when location is needed:
Time of when location is needed:
>Theo’s house
>31st December
Do you need permission to record/photograph in this location?
Who will you need to contact?
>No we don’t need permission
Will the levels of noise cause a problem?
If so, how will you overcome this?
house is in a quiet area so there will be little to no noise and most filming
done in this location will be inside.
Is the
level of lighting suitable?
>If something changes and the lighting doesn’t become suitable we
can edit the footage later on or use different lights to change the tone of
the scene.
If inside, are the Emergency exits clearly visible and available?
Is Emergency equipment provided?
>As we are filming inside a house there is little to no risk and
so emergency equipment is unnecessary.
>If we do need to leave the house quickly there is 3 possible
doors to leave from.
there public transport easily available to you?
>We don’t need public transport.
Location to be used:
Date of when location is needed:
Time of when location is needed:
>Nonsuch Park
>2nd December
Do you need permission to record/photograph in this location?
Who will you need to contact?
>No we do not need permission
>Choose a different park
Will the levels of noise cause a problem?
If so, how will you overcome this?
>No because the park we chosen is usually very quiet with few
people around
>There may be noise from the wind but we can either use a
microphone or just change the sound later on.
Is the
level of lighting suitable?
>Yes because we will be filming at this location during the day and
so it should be bright
>Choose another day to film
If inside, are the Emergency exits clearly visible and available?
Is Emergency equipment provided?
We are outside so Emergency exits and equipment is unnecessary.
there public transport easily available to you?
>Yes we can easily get a bus or walk to this location
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