Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Little White Lies (2016) Magazine Analysis

Little White Lies follows a different layout for their magazine front cover compared to most generic magazines. This cover from May/June features one main central image that takes up the whole of front cover which is common throughout the Little White Lies magazine, this is because it then draws attention to the audeince. The audience focuses on the one image and so this makes the magazine stand out from others and egages audiences. The girl is looking stright foraward which connects the audience to the character. The colour scheme is red and blue which is vibrant and so again attracts the audeinces attention as well as the picture having a cartoon filter over the top, this seperates Little White Lies from any other film magazine. 

The font used for 'The Neon Dragon' looks like the words are dripping which then links to the horror genre conventions but the colours contradict that by matching the colour scheme of bright colours. The white circle logo at the top is the same on every Little White Lies magazine and so makes it recognisable to the audience.

I think that because I am changing my magazine from Empire, Little White Lies would fit my independent film and so could be an option of the magazine I choose to feature my film. I like that Little White Lies produce covers that are different and individual and I would like to maybe create a Little White Lies magazine cover.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Diary Entry #12 - Magazine Design Update

From looking at my audience feedback for my magazine, I've decided to make a cover for a magazine more suited to my film. I looked into Sight & Sound Magazine and have decided tomake a cover for this magazine instead.
I looked at some of the magazine covers they have produced and have come to find that the images used are mostly close up of the actors face with the 'Sight & Sound' name written across the top stretching out so that it reaches both sides of the page. 
Image result for sight and sound magazine
The magazine also has the barcode with the price on the right side of the front cover and mostly uses red, black and white text along the bottom. There's a mix of different sized text depending on the picture, with smaller stories written with bullet points.
Image result for sight and sound magazine
The colours used in each cover are quite basic and limited with the brightest colour being the title of the magazine. The backgrounds are bare with the actors face taking up most of the cover. 

To make my magazine cover seem more realistic and professional I am going to have to include all these features into it.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Magazine Audience Feedback

I showed a group of people the first draft of my magazine and asked them to suggest improvements I could make. They said that I should:
  • Don't do a magazine cover for Empire, they show more Hollywood films not independent films. 
  • Maybe use a photo with the park in the background 
  • Use a yellow font so that it matches the poster
  • Use a close up photo - different angles

Friday, 27 January 2017

Magazine Draft 1

This is the first draft of my magazine cover, this will not be the image I use for my final magazine cover as I have decided that a more professional photo which will separate the trailer and poster from the magazine that will give a different view to the campaign and so may be more effective. I have tried to continue with the same kind of colour scheme as the poster which is dark with a yellow tint and when I take a new photo I will try to carry on with a similar colour scheme. 

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Poster Audience Feedback

I showed a group of people the first draft of my poster and asked them to suggest improvements I could make. They said that I should:

  • Blur out the background so the girl is the main focus
  • Add a website for the film and institution
  • Add a tagline if there is one
  • Add social media links
  • Possibly add the actors 
  • Change the font so it matches the film better

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Poster Draft 1

Here is my first poster draft, there are still many improvements I need to make and more details to add but the main idea I want to give to the audience comes across through the poster. I may however change the font I use to match the other products from the campaign and use the other picture which is very similar but the character appears more approachable so may connect with the audience better.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Diary Entry #11 - Poster Editing

I've began to start editing my poster for the film, I started by taking one of the photos I took and opening it in Photoshop. I then found the sun dance film logo from google and changed the hue saturation from dark to light to change the colour from black to white so that it stood out against the dark background. I did the same for the stars and then used the fill tool to fill in the star. I then used the gradient tool to make the right side of the photo lighter than the left. I think that adding the effects drew more focus to the main character and left a space to the right for the text and details to appear. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Trailer Audience Feedback

I posted the first draft of my trailer onto Facebook so that I could gain some audience feedback.


After looking at the comments on the Facebook page about the first draft of the trailer. I realised that there was still adjustments I needed to make in order to create a professional trailer. I will use the criticism to add more footage with different locations, footage of Alba ignoring messages and including opening and closing screens.

I also showed a group of people the trailer and asked them to suggest improvements I could make so that I had different peoples opinions. They said that I should:
  • Slow down the editing of Theo walking
  • More footage from London
  • Sort out the sound - videos that haven't been muted 
  • The change of music where they argue needs to be more clear 
  • Have footage of Alba ignoring his messages
  • Review the music at the end
  • More of an explanation of the story line (argument)
  • Use some point of view shots 
  • Inter-titles
  • Bookmark the ending - use hashtags, coming soon etc.
  • Make another institution for the beginning 
  • Maybe use another voice-over
  • When Theo types the text messages they appear as he's typing them 
  • Add in a shot of Alba in the bath so it looks like they're together
  • Add in a inter-title between Alba walking and me
Image result for phone messages in hand

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Trailer First Draft

Here is the first draft of my trailer, I am now going to continue to edit and film to improve it based on audience feedback. 

I am going to re-shoot some of my footage where the characters are speaking and where some footage is a little blurry. I think that in doing this will improve the quality and make the trailer look more professional. Once I have shown my trailer to more people I will have more improvements to make.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Diary Entry #10 - Music Planning Update

I'm carrying on with editing the music for my trailer. I am using lots of different sounds in order to make the music fit my trailer and change with the different moods and tones.

I adjusted the volume of each loop I used so that they fitted together better and then faded out certain parts to improve the flow of the music.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Diary Entry #9 - Editing

I have started editing the first draft of my trailer, having looked at the footage I've filmed I have decided to slightly change my initial storyboarded idea as some clips look better next to each other than what was planned. This will make my trailer look more professional as I have thought about what works and what doesn't. For example, I was going to have two separate shots of the characters but instead found that it looked better if I splitter the screen so that the two shots were next to each other and synchronised them. 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Diary Entry #8

I have gone out filming again to film all the shots from Theo's house. I managed to get a few different shots from different angles and so this should help when I come to edit the trailer as I can see which clips fit well together.