Sunday, 25 September 2016

Wild (2014) Sound Analysis

The trailer starts with ambient sounds with a voice over, suggesting the film is very natural and the settings will be away from civilisation. It also implies that the female speaking will be the main character of the film, her voice is very quiet and soft making the audience feel safe as she quotes lines from a book which can be seen as calming.

The non-diegetic music then starts as we see her walking suggesting her journey has begun, it is instrumental as the voice over continues, making the audience focus on the dialogue she's saying. Other characters voices then overplay the footage of her isolated implying she may have run away to overcome her problems. 

The music used is very relaxing and makes the audience connect with the character in her tranquillity of being alone in the wild. Some of the dialogue put into the trailer mixes up your emotions making the audience feel different things for the character by saying "My mother was the love of my life" makes you feel happy, however with the other characters saying "You're using heroine" it contradicts those feelings towards the character. 

The same music is played from beginning to end to bring the audience on the same journey as the character and to connect them both. 

I like the way the dialogue is placed at the right points to match both the music and the footage of the trailer, it's put perfectly to use the audiences emotions to engage them and to interact with. I would like to use some aspect of this in my trailer, however I won't be using as much voice-overs as this doesn't conform to my genre.

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