Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Fish Tank (2009) Trailer Analysis

The trailer starts with the production company logo whilst the soundtrack plays over the top. 

The establishing shot is of a city surrounded by a large field maybe suggesting that the main character s isolated and alone as she lives far away from anyone else. From first looking at this setting the audience can tell that this will be a drama film as there are flat blocks and a fence going around the field, and so this scene isn't especially pretty or scary looking which are the conventions for a romance or horror. This setting is suggesting to the audience that it is going to be realistic and is going to be facing the problems of struggling people in Britain. The sound track continues to play over the top. 


There is a close up of the main female character applying dark makeup to her eyes, as my main character will be similar to this one I might use a similar shot or focus in on her makeup for my trailer. The setting surrounding her face is blurred out so that the audience only focuses on her actions. Shouting is heard over this footage which makes the audience question what's going on in the characters life. 

The first couple of intertitles are stating the films awards at previous film festivals, this then already gives the audience an expectation for the film as they now imagine the film to be good and engaging. I don't think it would be appropriate to use these intertitles in my trailer as my film would not been entered into any film festivals and could still be successful without. 

The next intertitles help tell a story with their words, they help explain the narrative to the audience so that what the audience is thinking about the character is then confirmed. The light blue text with lighter glows represents the title of the film 'Fish Tank' and that how the water looks when the sun shines on it. This could have a hidden meaning for the audience suggesting that the character is the water and needs the sunlight in order for her to achieve. 

Throughout the trailer there is fast paced editing which helps build tension and also shows the audience lots of shots from the film so it sets the scene and gives them enough information to make them want to watch the whole film. 

Again the tension is built up just before the end of the trailer through fast paced editing and louder more dramatic music. The music suddenly cuts out and the screen goes black, the only noise is the sound of the female breathing heavily which is then shown visually soon after. I would like to create a similar ending to my trailer where the tension build but then it's abruptly stopped and leaves the audience with a lot of questions and creates enigmas.

Overall, I think there are a lot of elements I would like to take from this trailer and bring into mine, I like the soundtrack that was used and how when the tension grew the music got louder and more intense and when the atmosphere changed so did the music. This made it very clear to the audience that the tone of the film had changed and so I would like to incorporate that into my trailer. This trailer didn't feature too many locations because it was trying to be realistic it followed the life of the teenage girl and so it would be unrealistic if she travelled far. I will use the same for my trailer as I believe it is truthful that the teenagers featured in my trailer will not have money to travel and so will be filmed in one town. I also liked the fast paced editing in the trailer that also established the mood of the trailer. I am going to take inspiration from the ending of this trailer as I think it leaves the audience wanting to watch the film and also leaves a lot of unanswered questions and enigmas. 

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