Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Initial Ideas For My Trailer

Beauty And The Beast (2017) Teaser Trailer Analysis

The film starts with the iconic Disney logo appearing in the snow scene, this instantly aware's audiences that the film will be from the same creators as the original film of Beauty and the beast (1991). The lighting used suggests that this version of beauty and the beast is going to be a lot darker than the original and is targeting an older audience because of its lack of bright and cheerful colours compared to the animated film. It tries to engage the generation that grew up with the original who will be the main audience interested in the creation and release of the film.

A scene of the ballroom along with the non-diegetic piano version of Beauty and the Beast Prologue which is played at the beginning of the original film is shown, this creates a feeling of nostalgia as the audience anticipates what the outcome of this film is going to be compared to the animated version. It also reminds audiences of the first time Belle entered the castle and became sheltered and safe from the outside threats and makes us take that same journey. The singled out piano draws focus which makes you think it could be symbolic and important for the film. The change in lighting is also noticeable as it's now brighter with sun shining through the windows suggesting safety from inside the castle, whereas the outside may be more threatening and dangerous. 

The music continues as a sound bridge over the next few shots to link together whats being shown on screen, it's showing the viewers glimpses of what the castle looks like and takes you through the different settings. The cuts are slow to match the slow soothing music. The candle stick is the most obvious object in this shot which would then make audiences link to the character in the film and would again raise excitement. 

A long shot is used to show of the painting of the family we assume has some relation to the castle and scenes we are being shown. The theme is still dark and the only light is coming from the candlesticks which could suggest that they are the only life around. 

There's a close up of a face from another painting suggesting that this person may be of more importance that the previous people featured as there's more focus towards this character. Diegetic sound effects are used when the painting gets torn, maybe implying the dark nature of the film by the use of destruction. The trailer then cuts to a black screen as the music stops.

A slower pace and tone is then continued, suggesting that a sense of tranquillity is intended and anticipation. A wide shot is used to show the first view of Belle in the trailer so far which raises the excitement as to who is casted as Belle. Voice overs are heard over a black screen, using the recognisable characters from the original film which strengthens the sense of nostalgia. 

We then see the final shot with Emma Watson trying to reach for the rose, this is a memorable scene from the original film and shows the audience how well the cast is suited for the roles they were chosen for. The music has now changed to a piano version of the song 'Tale as Old as Time' from the original film, which is slow and and goes together with the video shown so that it doesn't reveal the storyline.

The final credits show the words 'Be Our Guest' which is the name of a song from the first movie. The name of the film doesn't need to be mentioned at this point, it already has the audience's attention and the target audience would be intrigued by the music and shots that resemble the first film. This also focuses attention of the genre which is a Romantic Fantasy with the use of symbolism of a rose suggesting love. 

I wouldn't use a teaser trailer as the style for my trailer because mine won't be a film that the audience can instantly connect with, they would need an insight into what the film will be about and a little bit of a story line. This style works well for the Beauty and the Beast Trailer because the audience only needs a few ideas that resemble the first film in order to become interested. I will need to provide them with something that will make them want to watch the film and so will have to include more narrative to the trailer.

The Shallows (2016) Theatrical Trailer Analysis

The trailer starts with a deserted beach which create the sense of tranquillity and peacefulness. The lone character is isolated which suggests she may be an outcast and likes her own company. The establishing shot highlights that there is no one around so if something happened there would be no one to help the woman. 

Throughout the trailer a variety of shots are used, this would be something I would do as it gives the audience a good idea of what the film is going to be about very quickly.  Having a woman as the main character subverts to the stereotypes that women are weak and men are strong and sporty. 

A bird's eye view shows that the main female character is destined to be alone and isolated throughout the film as she is deliberately shown by herself. Through dialogue this is then emphasised as when the two other characters call her over she turns them down. 

The use of syncing sounds create tension linking the scenes together. When we were about to hear the sound of a shark biting into the characters leg, it switches to a scene of her biting an apple, this suggests that there may be something that makes this film unique from all the other shark films that the audience may not expect. 

The sound effects used are short and sharp and fit in well as a sequence together, they also highlight the clean cuts between each shot. 

The scene then quickly changes from paradise to a nightmare, this is shown by the sudden change to dramatic music and darkening of the lighting. This all suggests a darker path has been set for the film and it's not going to be a normal holiday for the character. 

The theme of the sea being dangerous is continued as it changes to red, this symbolizes danger, death and destruction, also highlighting that the film is a horror with the use of deathly colours. This footage is accompanied by a beeping the sound you would hear with an explosion, suggesting that the characters life is at risk and that all around her is crumbling.

The unique selling point is focused on that this film is similar to jaws but uses a female lead which is different than most horror films as they're usually seen as weak and vulnerable. 

I think that the variety and range of shots used would be something I could involve in my trailer as well as the use of music to change the audiences emotions. However, I would not use similar locations from this trailer nor create this type of film as I feel it would be extremely hard to complete with the resources available and the editing software that would need to be used. My film won't be based on special effects and so I will have to create a film based more on situations that revolve around the locations I will be using. 

Monday, 27 June 2016

Narrative Structure

Narrative structure - A narrative takes place in a particular time and space (whether realistic or imaginary).

The narratives unfold in an ordered series of events.
The events are brought together by cause and effect.

Key terms for structure:

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution 

Linear - Events move in a chronological order E.g. Jurassic Park, Boyhood

Non-linear - Narrative moves around in time and space sometimes by using flashbacks E.g. Memento, gone girl. 

Circular - the trailer starts and stops on the same idea or feeling, it may involve different characters or places E.g. Inception, of mice and men, 300.

Parallel - the narratives run alongside each other, the action will switch between them throughout E.g. love actually, sliding doors. 

Different types of character:

Flat - minor characters who don't go through any substantial change throughout the story or have much substance. They will represent base stereotypes. 

Round - more developed characters who experience change throughout the narrative.

The proposal:

  • shows change through mise-en-scene, hair uptight to down and soft
  • through dialogue

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Representation - Juno Trailer Analysis

The trailer for the film 'Juno', features representation of age, gender and culture through the use of mise-en-scene, editing, sound and camerawork .

We first see the main character Juno, on her burger phone in her room. This representation of age suggests that she is childish and immature shown by the burger phone used and that she is still stuck in her childish ways even though she's in a very mature situations. They use phrases such as "honest to blog" which highlights their youth in the way they replace real words with new technology.
The bedroom is decorated with artwork and posters which suggest that she's a little more unique than a typical teenage girl. She likes to feel different and individual compared to other mainstream teenagers her age. She doesn't come across as stereo-typically feminine as she wear none to minimal make up and her hair is messy. The audience automatically assume that she's a bit of an outcast and rebelling again mainstream society.

We then see the friend whose bedroom is pink and has posters of males on the walls. This suggests that she may be part of that mainstream society a bit more than Juno as she follows the trends and fashions of other people her age. This shows a contrast between the two different teenagers and shows the friend may be a little more mature in her attitudes and behaviours. 

The colours used are quite comical and bright suggesting fun and energetic, possibly connecting with the main characters personalities. The font and background are quite simple and they correspond with the text as it says 'Complicated'. 

The two adults shown as her parents are very laid back wearing relatively comfortable clothing suggesting they may be quite friendly and approachable. They're in the same shot at the same level which could imply unity and equality between the two.

The main male character fits into the nerdy stereotype. Although he is sporty the mise-en-scene used suggests he is a bit of an outsider in society. He wears sweatbands even though he doesn't have to and between each shot of him getting ready there's a sound effect used, implying he thinks of himself as a superhero.

The couple shown here is obviously of a higher class and different from the other couple. They're wearing almost matching dull clothing, with v neck jumpers suggesting they're quite uptight and boring. They might be a little bit more reserved than the other couple.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Representation Theory - Age and Culture

Henry Giroux - Representation of age

He describe the youth as an "empty category in the media"
This is because all representations of younger people are constructed by adults and become inhabited by the desires, fantasies, and interests of the adult world. The youth are only heard on the edges of society where very few people hear or take them seriously and so the perceptions forced into us of the youth by the media is the one we hear and trust and so live by.

The teenagers shown in the media reflect adult's concerns, anxieties, needs and fear of the younger generation and so they are mostly seen to be worse citizens of society.

For example the TV show skins shows the teenagers to be rude, disobedient, reckless youths which is what the adult creators wanted the public to see.

The few outlets that allow the youth to be represented by themselves are social media as they control what is being shown to the public and too the world. However changes to what is being posted may differentiate due to the observer’s paradox, pictures/text may be changes because we know that people are watching and so some things are mediated whilst others are exaggerated to impress. 

Dick Hebdidge - Representation of groups (Subcultures)

Subculture is like "a group of like-minded individuals who feel neglected by societal standards and develop a sense of identity which differs to the dominant on to which they belong."

The Impostor subcultures:

  • Hillbillies
  • Police
  • Criminal

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Representation Theory - Gender and Identity

Jean Baudrillard: Hyper reality & Simulacra

"We live in a world where there's more and more information and less meaning"
The theory suggests that everything is a copy and the original no longer exists, what is represented now is a hyper reality and isn't real. We base our views on the world through the media which creates unrealistic ideas about true life.

Representation - Concerned with the way that people, places, ideas and events are presented to us.

What appears on the screen, in print etc. does not appear by accident, but through a process of decision making from within the media industries. A media text then needs to be viewed in this light.

Laura Mulvey: The Male Gaze

The concept of the Male Gaze is that it's how the audience views the people presented, Laura Mulvey believes that the camera is either male or female. Through a male’s point of view they see women on the screen and sexualise them, the women featured are there to appeal to the male sexuality.

Whereas women would look at other women through the gaze in admiration because they inspire to be like the characters being shown. She suggests that there is no way to represent a women without sexualising and objectifying her.

Judith Butler: Social Construction

"Gender is a social construction - it is learned and reinforced by society"

The theory suggests that we as a society are manipulated and constructed depending on what kind of outlets we choose to view. So someone who decided to watch reality TV will choose their fashion and style choices based on what they've seen the celebrities wear who inspire them. However a person that watches more action based TV such as 'The Walking Dead' may choose to dress differently because they haven't been constructed to want to dress and look like the celebrities from the other TV shows.

Lacan: Psychoanalysis and 'The Mirror'

"The media is a mirror by which we form our own identity"
This suggests that the media we are exposed to is meant to seem like a copy of society and so people think that is how the wold really is. When actually you can't get an exact replica and so the products we are open too are suggesting that what we see is the same as reality, 

An example of this is show 'Goggle-box' as it doesn't fully represent anything and can be seen as the observer’s paradox.  As soon as the cameras are turned on it's no longer a true representation of society. 

David Gauntlett

"Identity is complicated, everyone's got one"

The theory suggests that the social world is no longer confident in tradition, a different approach to life is risky and needs to be worked apron to make over our own patterns of being.

Audience Theory: Indirect Media Effects

David Gauntlett: Web 2.0
This is the second stage of the internet, it's has more user generated content and is more advanced than just having a plain webpage with information. It has enhanced the growth of social media and has got audiences interacting more.

Prosumer - Both a consumer and producer of media texts, this is seen as a step beyond the consumers of traditional film trailers.

Audience's now are prosumers as they watch the films but also share content related to films and then are distribution this information to other consumers

Hashtags # 
Buying tickets
Social media pages
Shares - We, the audience, make things popular

Created cultural chaos
Celebrates the 'Power of active users' ignoring the commercial structures that help to shape those powers
Creates a 'cult of the amateur' that devalues the professional
Removes gate keepers, talent and expertise are devalued in favour of those who shout the loudest

Reception Theory
This is a version of the audience response to a media text. It's the idea that some messages have a range of possible meanings; some are intended by the producers, some are read into by the audience.

Encoding - Originator of a message has a point they want to get across

Decoding - The audience viewing the media text will decode the message in a variety of ways depending on:

  • Social background
  • Context
  • Pre-existing beliefs 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Audience Theory: The Imposter Analysis

The trailer starts with some home footage of Nicholas Barclays which uses the Uses and Gratification theories explanation of identification to show the audience that this family was ordinary and the circumstances that they fell into wasn't because they were particularly any different from anyone else. Also by including the found footage means that you can trust what is being shown, it makes the documentary seem more reliable and truthful, where as if they only included reconstructive footage the audience may question and doubt the reliability of what they are watching.

There's a variety of footage used, to allow the audience to be constantly engaged and interested in the trailer. It shows a mix of reconstructive footage, interviews and home footage, so there’s always something different to engage the audience. 

The trailer uses voice overs over the home footage which create a dominant reading that you're forced to feel pity for the family and there's dialogue used such as "It gives you nightmares". It makes you follow the same journey as the family did in their investigation for the lost child. 

The reviews used such as "mind boggling" implied that this is something new, this film is unique and different to other documentaries. The review "haunting" appears right as the music changes to a more eerie theme, implying that something bad is going to happen. 

I like the way they've included the awards for the independent film festivals won and would maybe replicate this style and idea into my trailer. 

This trailer style is something I will not copy or use, one of their main themes is the different type of footage used and because of my chosen genre this would not work in my trailer. However I do like the use of voice-overs and how put together with the right footage can create a different atmosphere all together. 

Monday, 20 June 2016

Audience Theory: Limited Effects Theories

Directly: By personally viewing the media text e.g. a news broadcast

Indirectly: Through social interaction with people who have received the media text directly, or combination of the two.

Katz and Lagarsfeld: Two Step Model
The theory suggests that the media alone isn't responsible for audience views and rather audience’s involvement in primary groups. Messages flow from the media to opinion leaders and from them to a wider population.

Three Main Elements 

  • Primary social groups are more significant than the media than the media in forming our opinions 
  • Interpersonal sources of information are significant influences in how people receive and respond to media messages
  • 'Limited directed effects'. Any changes in people’s behaviour is likely to stem from the way media messages are communicated - the form they take

Bulmler and Katz and Dennis McQuail: Uses and Gratification Theory
This theory suggests that audiences pick and choose both the media and messages they take from it. They use the media to satisfy their individual and group needs.

Information (Newspapers, documentaries)
Entertain (Comedy, Action)
Interact (Social media)
Escapism (Fantasy films)
Identify (Social media, print media)

Stuart Hall: 3 Readings

Dominant Reading: The audience fully accepts the message the producer is trying to make.

Negotiated Reading
: The audience accepts the message the producer is trying to make but also has their own opinions.

Oppositional Reading: The audience rejects the message and creates their own thoughts and ideas on the media product.

Audience Theory: Direct Media Effects

Inoculation Theory:
This theory suggests that we become desensitised to violence the more we are exposed to it and so causes people to seek out more violent content.
For example horror films are becoming more and more graphic in what they choose to produce as each time a new film comes out it needs to be better than the last.

Hypodermic Syringe Model:
This suggests that information from a media text is transmitted and then picked up by audiences. The information links directly to our behaviour and attitudes and so can manipulate our way of thinking as audiences are not prepared.
It also suggests that there is a passive audience and they interact with the message to create a meaning. 

The theory is used to explain why certain groups in society should not be exposed to certain media texts, in fear that they may recreate the behaviour being shown 

Cultivation Theory:
This theory suggests that media effects can be culminate and build up slowly over a long period of time. There are beliefs and ideologies that are built up throughout our life/passed on from previous generations. The prolonged exposure to certain ideas can result in changed behaviour. The focus is more on vulnerable audiences (children, uneducated, socially outcast,, and downtrodden). The media only reinforces our own set of beliefs and ideologies.


  • doesn't account for a person's personality and how they feel about the world 
  • focused on television in general 
  • doesn't mention specific shows that might be the causes the influences on viewer opinions
  • never asked viewers how they felt before television

Audience Theory: Research

Three categories of the effects model:

Direct: These focus on the role the media has a strong and direct influence on audiences. This influence is usually negative.

Limited: These are sometimes called diffusion theories. They focus on the various ways audiences use the media to satisfy their own particular needs. For these audiences, the mass media has few direct effects.

Indirect: Theories in this category argue for a range of media effects. They suggest the media is slow and culminate rather than quick and direct in how it impacts on audiences.

Active Vs Passive Consumption:

Passive: A passive model of consumption suggest that texts have an effect on the audience.

A passive audience member accepts the message that the media text is trying to share and does not question what is being shared. 'The Hypodermic Syringe Model' concludes that audiences are passive.

Active: An active model of consumption suggest that audiences interact with the text to create meaning.

An active audience doesn't accept the message that the media text is trying to share and develops their own interpretations and thoughts about the media product. The 'Uses and Gratification theory' concludes that audiences are active.

Media Influences

Positive effects: 

  • Social activity, it can be used to keep people company - effects some and is indirect
  • Relieves boredom - effects some and has an indirect effect
Negative effects:

  • Creates stereotypes directly
  • Miss informs depending on text directly

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Link To Year 12 Blog

Last year I created a film opening for a film called The One, here is the link to my Year 12 blog: