Three categories of the effects model:
Direct: These focus on the role the media has a strong and direct influence on audiences. This influence is usually negative.
Limited: These are sometimes called diffusion theories. They focus on the various
ways audiences use the media to satisfy their own particular needs. For these
audiences, the mass media has few direct effects.
Indirect: Theories in this category argue for a range of
media effects. They suggest the media is slow and culminate rather than quick
and direct in how it impacts on audiences.
Active Vs Passive Consumption:
Passive: A passive model of consumption suggest that texts have an effect on the audience.
A passive audience member accepts the message that the media text is
trying to share and does not question what is being shared. 'The Hypodermic
Syringe Model' concludes that audiences are passive.
Active: An active model of consumption suggest that audiences interact
with the text to create meaning.
An active audience doesn't accept the message that the media text is
trying to share and develops their own interpretations and thoughts about the
media product. The 'Uses and Gratification theory' concludes that audiences are
Media Influences
Positive effects:
- Social activity, it can be
used to keep people company - effects some and is indirect
- Relieves boredom - effects
some and has an indirect effect
Negative effects:
- Creates stereotypes directly
- Miss informs depending on
text directly
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