The film starts with the iconic Disney logo appearing in the snow scene, this instantly aware's audiences that the film will be from the same creators as the original film of Beauty and the beast (1991). The lighting used suggests that this version of beauty and the beast is going to be a lot darker than the original and is targeting an older audience because of its lack of bright and cheerful colours compared to the animated film. It tries to engage the generation that grew up with the original who will be the main audience interested in the creation and release of the film.
A scene of the ballroom
along with the non-diegetic piano version of Beauty and the Beast Prologue
which is played at the beginning of the original film is shown, this creates a
feeling of nostalgia as the audience anticipates what the outcome of this film
is going to be compared to the animated version. It also reminds audiences of
the first time Belle entered the castle and became sheltered and safe from the
outside threats and makes us take that same journey. The singled out piano
draws focus which makes you think it could be symbolic and important for the
film. The change in lighting is also noticeable as it's now brighter with sun
shining through the windows suggesting safety from inside the castle, whereas
the outside may be more threatening and dangerous.
The music continues as a sound bridge over the next few shots to link together whats being shown on screen, it's showing the viewers glimpses of what the castle looks like and takes you through the different settings. The cuts are slow to match the slow soothing music. The candle stick is the most obvious object in this shot which would then make audiences link to the character in the film and would again raise excitement.
A long shot is used to show of the painting of the family we assume has some relation to the castle and scenes we are being shown. The theme is still dark and the only light is coming from the candlesticks which could suggest that they are the only life around.
There's a close up of a face from another painting suggesting that this person may be of more importance that the previous people featured as there's more focus towards this character. Diegetic sound effects are used when the painting gets torn, maybe implying the dark nature of the film by the use of destruction. The trailer then cuts to a black screen as the music stops.
A slower pace and tone is then continued, suggesting that a sense of tranquillity is intended and anticipation. A wide shot is used to show the first view of Belle in the trailer so far which raises the excitement as to who is casted as Belle. Voice overs are heard over a black screen, using the recognisable characters from the original film which strengthens the sense of nostalgia.
We then see the final shot with Emma Watson trying to reach for the rose, this is a memorable scene from the original film and shows the audience how well the cast is suited for the roles they were chosen for. The music has now changed to a piano version of the song 'Tale as Old as Time' from the original film, which is slow and and goes together with the video shown so that it doesn't reveal the storyline.
The final credits show the words 'Be Our Guest' which is the name of a song from the first movie. The name of the film doesn't need to be mentioned at this point, it already has the audience's attention and the target audience would be intrigued by the music and shots that resemble the first film. This also focuses attention of the genre which is a Romantic Fantasy with the use of symbolism of a rose suggesting love.
I wouldn't use a teaser trailer as the style for my trailer because mine won't be a film that the audience can instantly connect with, they would need an insight into what the film will be about and a little bit of a story line. This style works well for the Beauty and the Beast Trailer because the audience only needs a few ideas that resemble the first film in order to become interested. I will need to provide them with something that will make them want to watch the film and so will have to include more narrative to the trailer.
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