Monday, 20 June 2016

Audience Theory: Limited Effects Theories

Directly: By personally viewing the media text e.g. a news broadcast

Indirectly: Through social interaction with people who have received the media text directly, or combination of the two.

Katz and Lagarsfeld: Two Step Model
The theory suggests that the media alone isn't responsible for audience views and rather audience’s involvement in primary groups. Messages flow from the media to opinion leaders and from them to a wider population.

Three Main Elements 

  • Primary social groups are more significant than the media than the media in forming our opinions 
  • Interpersonal sources of information are significant influences in how people receive and respond to media messages
  • 'Limited directed effects'. Any changes in people’s behaviour is likely to stem from the way media messages are communicated - the form they take

Bulmler and Katz and Dennis McQuail: Uses and Gratification Theory
This theory suggests that audiences pick and choose both the media and messages they take from it. They use the media to satisfy their individual and group needs.

Information (Newspapers, documentaries)
Entertain (Comedy, Action)
Interact (Social media)
Escapism (Fantasy films)
Identify (Social media, print media)

Stuart Hall: 3 Readings

Dominant Reading: The audience fully accepts the message the producer is trying to make.

Negotiated Reading
: The audience accepts the message the producer is trying to make but also has their own opinions.

Oppositional Reading: The audience rejects the message and creates their own thoughts and ideas on the media product.

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